Thursday, October 28, 2010

Let's Try This Again...CONTEST!!

Well as some of you may know I hosted a contest waaaaaay back. That contest crashed and burned because A: I hosted it to early in my blogging career, and B: The prizes went good, and C: It was just a bad contest.

I am holding a new contest where I will give out prizes to 3 different people. The reason for this contest is because I now have 50 followers on Twitter and I almost have 15 followers on my blog. I also almost have 1,000 views on my blog!!! So that is why.

The prizes are!!!!!!
1) Any thing in the crowns shop for 5000 crowns or anything of equal of lesser value
2) The beast master set, or anything of equal of lesser value
3) Some treasure cards that I have

(The first two sound like a commercial, with the equal or lesser value thing, lol)

You all know how hard it is for me to get crowns so don't complain about the prizes. And for the third prize some may be good some maybe not so perfect. I can tell you a hydra is in there! I gave away my scarecrow to a good friend a week or two ago so sorry.

In order to enter you must do two things
A) Follow my blog, me on twitter, or both
B) Comment on this post, or email me

Contacts are as follows: and @JThundersword

I WILL BE CHECKING, so don't just try and comment or just email. Leave a way to contact you if you leave a comment. If you followed me on twitter I will "DM" you. We will set up times to meet in-game. PLEASE leave your wizard name in the comment or email!!!

Contest will end on the 4th. Be sure to tell others!

The Gobblitertor
-Jacob Thundersword

P.S. the word of the day was...Follow
B.T.W. check out this website that Kingsisle put up of people without Ipods


  1. I follow via GFC!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    forsurveysonly at gmail dot com

  2. @Twoheadedwiz - :). I'll enter, and I love the prizes btw! ( And, thanks again for that Scarecrow a while back, lol )

  3. @Abhishek Duggal What is GFC I said my twitter or blog.

    -Jacob Thundersword

  4. I don't tweet enough to bother with entering via twitter, lol. However, congrats on the 50 followers/15 blog followers. What a milestone!

    Kieran Storm - khai.pathunknown at

  5. I will follow you in twitter. I am HelpfulWizard on twitter.

  6. Grats on all the followers!

    Sign me up please! @smartallecwiz on twitter

    ~Victoria Spiritblossom

  7. I follow you on twitter sign me up please
    can contact me @Vanhilt on twitter

  8. @MasterOfWiz101 on twitter!

  9. Hiya Jacob! I follow your blog and twitter!


    Good luck with your contest!

    ~Fallon Shadowblade

  10. Wee! Contest! I follow you on twitter and your blog. :) @HeatherRavenWiz

  11. I follow you both on twitter and by blog! @IcyHarlequin

  12. Congrats! Sounds like you're doing great! Following you here (as Taryn Ravenheart) and twitter @wezlbites

  13. I'd love to be included, I'm following you on Twitter as hmorganp.

  14. I don't really use twitter, but, I followed. Grats on everything though. :) My email is My Sorcerer is Tristan Sky.

  15. following. blog and twitter. :) goodluck with your contest. may it bring you more followers to your blog. a great blog it is! @tatshadowflame on twitter

  16. Oh, and I went ahead and followed you on twitter anyway, despite I can never remember to get on, lol. Keep up the good work.

  17. I enter... Amber Rosepetal. @AmberTheSavior

  18. Congrats of the followers! I will enter, Christo Skywalker @ChristoSky (twitter) &
    The prizes are awesome BTW!

    Thanks, Christo Skywalker

  19. Oh, sorry I forgot to say I follow your blog and your twitter.

    Christo Skywalker

  20. I follow you already on Twitter. My wizard is Emma Skyheart.
