Monday, June 28, 2010

Katzenstein's Lab help

I'm back. (How Manny times have I said that?) I'm really exited for the Katzenstein's Lab quest. I have never done it yet and I've heard you can get two pets(or more) from there. And I can finally battle a secret boss.

How ever, I don't want to go into that instance without help. And most of the people on my friends list aren't on. :( So can you, readers help? I would appreciate it. Just Email me ( if you would like to help me. I will hopefully have 3 others to help me.( I would rather you have free chat, not menu) Thanks for the help.

Goodbye said the exited wizard as he typed his name and clicked "Publish Post" once that was done he decided to.........
-Jacob Thundersword

1 comment:

  1. I can help you. Tomorrow any time 1:30 Central and up I can help. Post on my blog to tell me what time is ok for you.
    Kyle Firesword
