I would tell you whats happening in the wizard would but I don't fell like posting a long one so I'll just say go to one of those websites over there ->. They will probably have it.
Now that I got as far as I want to go in Mooshu while still saving crowns I think I have to start farming or start leveling my pets. I will probably go back to doing quest on Friday. I also can finish up that one instance I left back in Krokotopia. Might as well.
So I think I will level my dragon that I got from a gift card, Lord Lexi. After that my ice cat because that cat has 52(0) pedigree right now. Then Sir Misty my danger-hound so I can get a ghost hound. I can get a ghost hound right now but I want to wait till he is adult or ancient.
Today I will finish up that one instance and work on my pet(s). That's all. Oh wait watch the Warehouse run that Kevin Battleblood made on the test realm. The real run starts around 46minites in. http://www.livestream.com/kevinbattleblood/video?clipId=pla_d7ca3531-3e1b-4cc1-a42a-14965c956000&utm_source=lsplayer&utm_medium=ui-content&utm_campaign=kevinbattleblood&utm_content=kevinbattleblood
Oh and I'm back from my trip. I go on one almost every weekend. Just noticed that. I will be going out of town this weekend also. That's It.
-Jacob Thundersword
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